pub type ExpiresOn<T: Config> = StorageMap<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageExpiresOn<T>, Twox64Concat, SessionIndex, Vec<T::IdtyIndex>, OptionQuery>;
Expand description

maps session index to possible smith removals

Storage type is [StorageMap] with key type SessionIndex and value type Vec < T :: IdtyIndex >.

Aliased Type§

struct ExpiresOn<T: Config>(PhantomData<(_GeneratedPrefixForStorageExpiresOn<T>, Twox64Concat, u32, Vec<<T as Config>::IdtyIndex>, OptionQuery, GetDefault, GetDefault)>);


§0: PhantomData<(_GeneratedPrefixForStorageExpiresOn<T>, Twox64Concat, u32, Vec<<T as Config>::IdtyIndex>, OptionQuery, GetDefault, GetDefault)>